Get To Know Me Tag

1. Do you have a middle name?
Yes; it’s Anne!

2. What was your favorite subject in school?

German and French

3. What’s your favorite drink?
Green tea or water

4. What’s your favorite song at the moment?
Sparks by Reuben Hudson *-*

5. What would you name your children?
I’m not really sure. I love the names Audrey and Josephine

6. Do you participate in any sports?
I like running and dancing?

7. What’s your favorite book?
Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami

8. What’s your favorite colour?

9. What’s your favorite animal?

10. What’s your favorite perfume?

11. What’s your favorite holiday?
I’d say Christmas

12. Have you graduated from High School?

Yes, last November

13. Have you been out of the country?
Yes, I’ve been to the Torres Strait Islands and Germany, but I need to travel more!

14. Do you speak any other languages?
Yep; German and French

15. Do you have any siblings?
One younger sister who’s 10

16. What’s your favorite store?

Ummm Kinokuniya?

17. What’s your favorite restaurant?
Somewhere I can get nice vegan stir-fries and pad thai

18. Do you like school? 

I did like it, but in terms of the learning content, I prefer uni.

19. Who are some of your favorite YouTubers?
Carrie Hope Fletcher, Zoella, and Hannah Hart

20. What’s your favorite movie? 
Maybe something by Wes Anderson

21. What are some of your favorite TV (or web) shows?
Parks and Recreation, Carmilla, Nothing Much To Do, Pushing Daisies, and Bee and Puppycat

22. PC or Mac?


23. What phone do you have?
No idea it’s some Nokia. I’ve never really been interested in spending heaps on something newer.

24. How tall are you?
163cm (about 5’3-4)

25. Any pets? 

A cat named Lily, lots of nameless fish and snails, and two guinea pigs named Sarah and Josie

What time is it??? (SUMMERTIME!)

Hello any lovely people who still check up on this! How have you all been? If you can’t guess by my excitement, I finished my last exam yesterday, which means that my summer break can finally begin!!!

I felt pretty alright with all my exams and know that I at least passed everything, so I have nothing to worry about and December 15 (when we get the results) isn’t some big looming date.

So far I’ve vacuumed the house and cleaned the mirrors, and am currently reading The Wind-up Bird Chronicle, drinking lots of water and making friendship bracelets. Maybe in the next few days, when I’ve come up with some more ideas, I’ll do a big summer bucket list post.

Oh and I forgot to mention; I’m brainstorming a super secret project with one of my best friends. Won’t that be interesting… :p

Wherever you are, I hope you’re all having a fantastic day or night!

Slow down. Breathe.

All my assignments are finished and marked. I have six days until my first, of three, exams. I think it’s time for a breather.

  • The warmer weather has made for more difficult times with going for walks, but it’s still been nice to go at around 3pm; it’s a lovely time for meeting cute children and petting dogs.
  • I have been drawing lots and I think (????) it’s getting a lot better.
  • There’s been a little bit of study, but everything else is better to do.
  • Watching lots of old favourite movies! I watched Beetlejuice with the family last night and little Winona Ryder is just so cute.
  • I’m rereading Jessica Watson’s True Spirit and oh my, that girl is just incredible. I wonder what she’s doing now.

I’m really surprised with how quickly, and well, this year has gone.