Aligning my actions with my morals

In early April, I watched half of the documentary Earthlings. It was in the evening, and after hearing people on Tumblr talk about it, I felt like I had nothing better to do, and just went for it. I always had a vague understanding of the industry, but it wasn’t until that moment when I saw and felt the pain and suffering of all those animals. There was, initially, anger as to how we’re not told this information and how could people do that as a job, but then it became shock. I was consuming those products, and paying the industry for slaughter. How could I? I have mixed feelings about my following actions, which was to become vegetarian the following day. It only lasted a week or so, but that immediate change made me feel really lethargic and I got lots of headaches. Now, after 3 months, I have been coping well, if not thriving, both physically, and emotionally.

However, there has been a constant guilt. Meat is not the only product of harm; all animal products have a very negative impact. This year I’ve learnt about the sexual assault, diseases and emotional trauma of dairy cows and the “disposing” of male chicks in the egg industry. I have also discovered about the environmental impact of consuming animal products. Feeding one omnivore requires over 50 times more farmland than a vegan; the world has even been so desperate to allow more land that they’re clearing the Amazon Rainforest. Yes! The AMAZON RAINFOREST.

I haven’t fully transitioned yet (I’m still a vegetarian), but I’ve decided to make a bit of a masterlist with support and information for people who want to make such a positive change in their lives.


Facts and Statistics

Videos and Literature

I hope this has helped people!!

Bodies are the best

Right now I have killer shark week cramps and a huge pain in my chest/throat and can’t eat because I burnt my oesophagus on Monday. At times like this, I want to just claw at it and rip it away from me. But I can’t. Nor, overall, do I really want to. Bodies deal with a lot of crap; they’re called names, beaten up a lot, and absolutely despised when they get a bit sick. We seem to overlook what our bodies can do. They

  • wave to people
  • eat delicious food
  • give hugs
  • dance
  • walk and run
  • hold hands
  • pet dogs
  • swim
  • wear pretty clothes

My body is just like me (my soul or what have you); I try my best to do what’s right and make things as fun and comfortable as possible, but sometimes I mess up and hurt myself, and accept that I need feeling and healing time. Sure, unlike my feelings, my body is physical, but it deserves the same respect.

One cup of compassion, please…

… Or maybe 2, or 20.

I’m sure you’ve all heard, in the news, about the “28 Australians”, or “27 Americans and up to 10 Britons”. I know it doesn’t apply to everyone, but why do we need such specific headlines? Shouldn’t simply “295 died in a plane crash” evoke enough interest and empathy. Well, sadly it doesn’t. People seem to only care about things if it’s in their own personal bubble, if it’s “close to home”. They seem to forget that, at the end of the day, we’re humans. Not only that, but humans unnecessarily fighting and killing other humans. On that plane, there were teachers, students, parents, authors, AIDS specialists; no matter what the media says, they were all significant people. Every human, every Earthling, desires to live, and we just need to remember this, and simply care for others, without it having to be directly related to us.