Hectic Life Update!!!!!!!!

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Hello fantastic Earthlings! I’m very sorry; I have been very busy preparing and doing my prac teaching, so I haven’t had much time for updating here. As of now, I’ve had one observation day, and 5 hours of teaching over 3 days. (We were meant to do an hour per day but pfft…)

The first day I came back was amazing. Many of them couldn’t remember my name, but when they saw me, they kept shouting “I know you! I know you! I like you!” It completely warmed my soul. I’ve received a few artworks this week and they made me on the verge of tears with happiness.

I started teaching with a very challenging rainy day sport lesson, but I didn’t let the negatives deter me and have only gotten better. I’m especially looking forward to my final lesson, which will be a music lesson based on a uni assignment I have due soon.

Yesterday I got some more teacher outfits, so I don’t have to be a dreaded outfit repeater, like Lizzie McGuire on graduation day. The one in the photo is a lovely, and extremely comfortable, light blue floral button up.

Even though the uni (and government) is against it, I’ve gotten heaps of hugs from the kids and have loved pretty much every moment so far. (They have their bad times, but they’re kids; not much you can do.)

I am currently enjoying a relaxing Friday evening, reading Isla and the Happily Ever After and digesting a delicious rosemary potato pizza, hoping everyone is having an enjoyable life.



Happy Sunday #6



Hi lovely friends; happy Sunday!

After 6 weeks, it’s finally looking like winter. It’s good that the weather is being normal, but I could go for a long walk and some sunshine right now. This week I’ve…

  • Finished the Heroes of Olympus series.
  • Finalised my timetable for next semester (it involves a fair few early mornings -_-).
  • Had a sisterly bonding park exploration day. We even rolled down giant grassy hills.
  • Learned how to make stickers (I’ll make a how-to when I’ve gotten better at it and can make decent ones).
  • Hopefully cemented a basic understanding of grammar within my tutee.
  • Received a postcard from my best friend who’s on holiday in Germany.

I hope everyone’s had a brilliant week and that next week will be just as great!

P.S. Good luck to everyone starting their next (or first) semester of uni.

Edit: Yes, I am an idiot and posted this on a Saturday.

Happy Sunday #5


Hello lovely people; happy Sunday! I hope you’ve all been having a fantastic week. This upcoming one is the last before uni starts again, so I’ll have to make the most of it.

  • I have been drawing. My style is kind of childish, but I like it.
  • I received a tonne of hand-me-downs from my aunt and they are fantastic!
  • I got The Book Thief and two cute handbag/purse things from my cousins.
  • My hair makes me no longer resemble Joey Ramone, which is a very good thing.
  • I’m reading the Heroes of Olympus series by Rick Riordan and I love them so much. Emotional investment in fictional characters is fun.

I hope everyone has a fun-filled, enriching week ahead!

Happy Sunday #4

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Hello lovely people; happy Sunday! I hope you’ve all had a fantastic week.

  • I went to the Reptile Park with my family. It was lovely to spend time with them, but I felt uncomfortable about the caged animals.
  • I read lots! I finished Stephanie Perkins’ books and have started re-reading/catching up on Heroes of Olympus, the sequel series to Percy Jackson.
  • I have started doing veganism research. I really wish I could just start, but I want to ensure my health will be maintained when I transition. It definitely calls for GP visits.
  • I have another tutoring job! I start next Friday, and will be helping a 9 year old with spelling. I think some games and rhymes will be needed.
  • I got my uni marks as well! I got 2 distinctions and 2 credits, so I’m rather happy.

I hope the next week is just as fantastic and you all enjoy it! xxx

Happy Sunday #3


Hello lovely people; happy Sunday!

This week has been absolutely amazing. I’m looking forward to many more like it!

  • I finished re-reading Harry Potter today and am just so emotional because it’s a beautiful adventure.
  • I had a sleepover at my best friend’s house the night before last and we watched so many movies.
  • I have been drawing like crazy! I’ve always been inspired by artists, such as Megan, Tammy, and Mel, but recently I decided to do something about it!
  • Lots and lots of lovely long walks! On Thursday, I saw whales while I was out and they were splashing about.

I hope you’ve all had lovely weeks too (:

Happy Sunday #2


Hi friends; happy Sunday! I hope you’ve all been having a fantastic week. Uni break has been so relaxing so far.

  • I’ve gotten a tutoring job, where I tutor a year 7 boy in English once a week. His family and he are lovely, which is an added bonus.
  • I’ve started going to bed earlier and doing yoga for a few minutes before I sleep. I’ve always struggled with getting of to sleep quickly, but the yoga is helping very much. It clears my mind and relaxes my body, so I’m not tossing and turning, and thinking of a hundred things while trying to drift off.
  • I’ve been rereading the Harry Potter series, and am up to Order of the Phoenix. The Ministry and Umbridge are such pests. It’s frustrating! >.< I try to imagine Umbridge with the voice and attitude of Starkid’s version of her, so it’s a bit more bearable (x).
  • I am doing more research into living a plant-based lifestyle. I became a vegetarian due to my discovery of the treatment of animals, and the impact their consumption has on the environment. Lately I’ve been finding out more about the dairy industry, but because I live with my parents, I want to do more research on what to eat, before I live entirely plant-based.
  • I have been meeting many adorable dogs as I go on my runs. Today I met a dog who escaped while on his walk; he had the biggest, goofiest grin on his face.

Feel free to let me know how your week has been! I hope it’s been great xx

A bit of happy music

the party bus

A playlist to help bring on the happy vibes…

Since year 9, I have spent many mornings and evenings on buses, usually in the dark. The feelings of loneliness, due to the darkness and lack of other passengers, are quick to consume me, so I always make sure to have a mix of happy songs to force those feelings away. I decided to make this playlist based on what I’ve been listening to on these recent rides.

Beauty in the World – Macy Gray // Send Me On My Way – Rusted Root // ABC – The Jackson 5 // Why Not – Hilary Duff // Hey Baby – DJ Oetzi // Elle Me Dit – Mika // Do You Believe In Magic – Aly & AJ // Here Comes The Sun – The Beatles // Dancing Queen – ABBA // You Get What You Give – New Radicals

What is happiness?

Before I start making other posts, I feel I need to pose the question what is happiness? It tends to be seen as, “positivity” and “a cheery disposition”, but through reading Gretchen Rubin’s The Happiness Project, I’ve discovered more about my views, and the views of others, on happiness. One of her findings that particularly stood out to me was the view that happiness and unhappiness aren’t polar opposites, but rather two separate emotions running parallel through time. Once realising this, I had a logical explanation for why happiness and sadness can occur at the same time. In fact, it applies for all emotions; they work individually and each have their own lows and highs.

Happy is something I’ve apparently always been seen as; “nice” and “happy” are the two adjectives that have been applied most to me. I don’t exactly know why, maybe it’s my smiley resting face, or that I’m a lot more warm and caring than I think I am, but I’ve given up questioning and now proudly accept it. And in that, it makes me feel happier.

Next comes the easier question: how to be happy. This changes for everyone, depending on their interests. I’m happy when I muck around with my sister, watch my favourite movies and tv shows (especially if they’re in German or French, and I can understand them really well), discover new favourite books, reread old favourite books, successfully cook something delicious, go for long walks, spend time with my friends, create mementos, sing songs from my childhood… the list is endless. The best part is that I’m always discovering new ways to make me happy.

Other than The Happiness Project, my favourite readings to turn to on happiness are this, this and this.

How about you, anyone who is reading this? What do you think happiness is? How do you be happy?